Friday, October 12, 2007

Toothipegs and other things...

Lincoln's two bottom teeth came up fully about two weeks ago (which was why he didn't want to sleep at the time). Very cute and very sharp! He's getting a bit more adventurous with his food now; he had raisin toast for brekky today.

We also started swimming lessons with our mothers' group at geelong aquatic centre on wednesday. It was heaps of fun but it went too fast. Linc loved splashing around with his cousin Jack.

The biggest news is that Linc also started CRAWLING about a week and a half ago. He's so funny, he sort of commando crawls on his tummy most of the time and he only gets up on his needs sometimes. He's getting really fast- the thing that makes him go fastest is the TV remote (taking after David already). Help, he's growing up too fast!!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Go Cats! (from a Bombers supporter...)

Yay, the cats won the grand final. Well done to them, they deserved it! David and Lincoln (a cats fan in the making) were very happy!

Lincoln has decided he doesn't really like sleep any more! I've been struggling to get him to sleep both during the day and night. He eventually falls asleep about midnight but I've become a bit of a walking zombie. Who knows where his routine went- if you see it, send it back our way!
It must be his teeth.....(what else can we blame it on)

We had a busy weekend and caught up with a few friends which was good fun. I even went out (by force) on Thursday night. I can tell you I don't miss going out in Geelong very much! It was pretty tragic but entertaining!