Friday, December 7, 2007

I like swimming but I'm not so sure about talking Santa toys

This week David got in the pool with Lincoln which was cute to watch. They both had fun as you can see in the pic :)
My parents have a talking Santa toy that they showed to Linc this week and he wasn't too impressed. He was stunned for about 5 minutes and just stared at it without moving a muscle. It was so funny watching his reaction.
We have our first Christmas do tomorrow at Yvonne and Neil's. Kellie, Sandy, Riley and Cooper are coming down because they won't be around at Christmas time. So anyway it will be fun I'm sure!
Not long now until Santa arrives!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Lincoln stands alone!

It's been another busy week! Dave and I went to Jim & Teresa's wedding in Hamilton on the weekend which was good (picture of us but I havn't asked Jim if I can put a pic of them up yet, so I haven't). We shared a room with Brendan which was a colourful experience!!!

Lincoln pulled himself up to a proper standing position for the first time today using his play pen! He'll be walking soon I'm sure....He also has tooth number SIX about to come through.

Only 41/2 weeks left of work for me for the year, yay! Bring on Christmas.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Almost December

Hi all,
I can't believe it's almost December already. Christmas this year is going to be so much fun with a baby in the house!

Lincoln is 9 months old and his third tooth has pushed through with number four coming close behind. he started pulling himself up to a standing position on the window sill yesterday afternoon. It's so cute.

David and I are both well. We have Jim and Teresa's wedding in Hamilton on the weekend which will be interesting because it will be the first time Lincoln will sleep the whole night at someone else's house. Grandpa and Oma are excited I'm sure!

Will keep you all posted xx

Friday, October 12, 2007

Toothipegs and other things...

Lincoln's two bottom teeth came up fully about two weeks ago (which was why he didn't want to sleep at the time). Very cute and very sharp! He's getting a bit more adventurous with his food now; he had raisin toast for brekky today.

We also started swimming lessons with our mothers' group at geelong aquatic centre on wednesday. It was heaps of fun but it went too fast. Linc loved splashing around with his cousin Jack.

The biggest news is that Linc also started CRAWLING about a week and a half ago. He's so funny, he sort of commando crawls on his tummy most of the time and he only gets up on his needs sometimes. He's getting really fast- the thing that makes him go fastest is the TV remote (taking after David already). Help, he's growing up too fast!!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Go Cats! (from a Bombers supporter...)

Yay, the cats won the grand final. Well done to them, they deserved it! David and Lincoln (a cats fan in the making) were very happy!

Lincoln has decided he doesn't really like sleep any more! I've been struggling to get him to sleep both during the day and night. He eventually falls asleep about midnight but I've become a bit of a walking zombie. Who knows where his routine went- if you see it, send it back our way!
It must be his teeth.....(what else can we blame it on)

We had a busy weekend and caught up with a few friends which was good fun. I even went out (by force) on Thursday night. I can tell you I don't miss going out in Geelong very much! It was pretty tragic but entertaining!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The big three O

Yes, yes, I had my 30th birthday party on the weekend. My actual birthday is on the 27th and I would've had my party next weekend but that's grand final weekend and the party would've been a fizzer! So anyway the party was pretty relaxed (we almost had a disaster when Yvonne tripped over Archie BUT all is ok and no-one was hurt thankfully!!!) I got completely spoilt and I went out today to spend some of my birthday money which was fun.

We also went to Chloe's first birthday today at Barwon Valley fun park which was very cute. The weather was gorgeous.

Lincoln is getting his two bottom teeth at the same time which is a bit painful for him. The poor thing hasn't had a good week- first he got really sick with a fever and a cough and now it's his teeth. Needless to say no-one in this house has had any sleep for the past week or so! His teeth are like little razors. I actually cut my finger when I felt them!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Hi all,
David has been sick at home for the last 3 days so essentially I've had TWO babies to look after! No, but really he has been pretty sick. He seems a bit better today though.

Lincoln turns seven months old on saturday which is unbelievable. David swears he's been saying 'Dad Dad' but I'm not so convinced. I think it's babble that happens to sound a bit like Dad, but I'll keep my ears open!

Archie seems to be doing a little better. I can't see his ribs as much so I think the pancreas is working- slowly. The poor pooch pongs a bit now, but that's a side effect apparently.

Anyway, Linc and I are off to Mothers' group again today. This time it's at Colly and Jack's which is good!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Busy September!

Gee, have we been busy and it's only going to get busier this month....I think we have about 9 birthdays or something ridiculous like that to go to- at least we'll be busy having fun!

David's first Fathers' day was nice- we had brekky at home, did some shopping and spent the night with family. Lincoln and I bought him a Jig Saw and a massive plyer (sp?) set, so he was happy!

Archie is ok at the moment- he's lost a bit more weight but apparently it takes about a month to put weight back on with his condition. It's really gross but instead of enzyme powder the vet has put him on one pig pancreas per day. Joy. Well we don't really care if it will make him better.

Check out Linc trying to feed himself in the pic- he's just too cute. Oh, by the way- for those of you who don't know, Linc was born with a heart murmur. We had it checked out recently and it went away all by itself which is fantastic!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Latest news

We found out that Archie's body is killing it's own enzymes that break down food for absorption. It's good news because he doesn't need an operation but it's not that good either because he needs to have enzyme powder added to every meal for the rest of his life or he will effectively starve to death! It's not cheap stuff but at least we can fix him which is the main thing!

David did not get the job he was after but he was asked to consider a technitian's position which would be a massive learning curve for two years and would mean a big pay cut. After the two years learning he would be made an engineer within the company but we think it would make things really hard so he's going to decline and just keep looking elsewhere.....

Lincoln is a bit sick with a cold (I gave him) but he's ok. He had a play with Chloe this morning (pictured together). Chole turns one very soon, so I'm sure they'll have fun at her birthday party at Barwon Valley fun park.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Quick catch up

Lincoln is a busy littleman, rolling ALL the time and throwing his toys around everywhere. His new favourite thing to do is slap or tap everything in sight really hard (including our faces). I think we have a Mr muscles on our hands!

David didn't have much luck with the jobs I mentioned earlier, but he had another interview last week that sounds more promising. They spent almost three hours with him which you probably wouldn't do unless you were keen to employ that person. Anyway he's supposed to find out today if he is successful- will let you know.

On another note our dog Archie is really sick. He's been loosing weight for a month and the vet thinks his pancreas is not functioning any more. We'll find out today or tomorrow what he actually has and whether or not he needs to have a bowel biopsy. Poor pooch, it makes me feel sick looking at him. He's such a happy, loving dog. We'd be lost without him, so we HAVE to fix him!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hi all,

Lincoln is almost 6 months old now, can you believe it? He's been rolling heaps, sitting, chomping on solids and the other night he slept for 12 hours!!! We nearlly had heart attacks but it was awesome. I hope he keeps doing it!

Work is going really well for me at the moment but unfortunately Dave is still looking for a better job...Fingers crossed it will happen soon.

As you can see I finally caught a smile on camers from Linc- they're really rare. He laughs heaps but as soon as you put a camera in front of him he turns into a stunned mullet and you can never catch his smile. Well, I got it this time (sorry for posting it mum but I couldn't resist!)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Time is flying...

I've already been back at work for 2 weeks- crazy! Work has been really good so far. I've stepped back into my old shoes (they were right where I left them). Lincoln has had a great time with his Grandma and Nonna while I've been at work which makes us all happy!

As you can see in the picture, (sorry it's blurry, I can't fix it) Linc has started sitting a little bit by himself. This baby just wants to go, go, go. I'm convinced he'll be sprinting in a few months!

Hope you're all well xxx

Sunday, July 8, 2007

A big couple of weeks

My how things have changed quickly! Lincoln went from hating formula to hating breast milk within 2 weeks. All he wants now is formula, which although it makes me feel a bit rejected, is the best thing for both of us seeing as I'm going back to work in 8 days. Yes, 8 days. Poo.

Also, we gave Linc his first taste of solids last night. He had rice cereal (farax) and he absolutely loved it. He was trying to shove more in his mouth than we were giving him. It was so cute. He's really ready for solids, it's very obvious. Let the fun begin- I can't wait until he's covered the whole kitchen with pumpkin!

Dave heard back about one of the jobs he was interested in- unfortunately he 'doesn't have enough experience'. It's a shame when everyone wants employees to have experience but no-one's willing to give it. He'll keep trying though!

We caught up with lots of people this weekend- hopefully we'll see a lot more of you over the next week....

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Week of milestones for Lincoln

Milestone no 1: Lincoln has finally decided that he doesn't mind drinking formula and at the moment he has 3 bottles a day (out of 5 feeds), which means I can go back to work worry free!

Milestone no 2: This house is now a dummy-free zone. Many of you know I was getting up every hour, every night to pop it back into Linc's mouth when he woke up crying for it. The first night without the dummy was VERY hard- it was a tough habit to beat but we got through it together (just). He still wakes up a few times a night but it's getting less.... hopefully by the time I go back to work he'll sleep right through the night, no probs. Well I can only hope!

STILL no news about David's job interviews- so sloooooow. Will let you know when we know.

Anyway I have 2 weeks of freedom left. At least I'll only be working 3 days a week which isn't too bad. Hopefully I'll catch up with most of you during that time......Ciao xxx

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

back to work soon....

Hi all,
we've been really busy lately so I haven't had much time to catch you up on our blog. I'm not really sure what exactly we've been doing but I do know I never get a minute to myself!!

Lincoln and his cute little cousin Jackson had fun playing the other day. Jackson tried to pull off Linc's chin which was very cute. Everyone says they look more alike every day- I have to say they're both adorable!

Still no news about Dave's job interview(s). He's still waiting to hear back from a couple of places that sound promising- will keep you posted.

I have to go back to work in 4 weeks- time has gone so fast!!! My biggest problem at the moment is trying to ween a certain little baby boy onto the bottle, as I don't think breast feeding will be possible when I'm at work! He's been on a good thing for 4 months and he knows it- he won't have a bar of the bottle which is going to make both our lives hard. I'll just have to keep trying.....

Monday, May 28, 2007

Welcome to 'we're all bright sparks'!

Hi everyone, thanks for checking out our blog.....

Creating a blog is a great idea I got from my friend (Shelley). It's an easy way to catch up with us and see what little Lincoln has been up to. I'll try to update our news every few days.

Add this website to your favourites and check up on us from time to time.

Make sure you leave a comment if you have something to say, we'd love to hear from you!

As you all know, our little man Lincoln is now three and a half months old- hasn't time flown??
He's rolling occasionally and he grabs at things (a bit accidentally) and smiles heaps. He's so cute!

I feel really bad at the moment because I gave him my cold. Of course it was unavoidable because he's attached to me all the time but I still feel terrible. The poor little thing is sneezing and coughing and a bit snotty but he's a real little trooper because he hasn't whinged once- he's happy as larry!

In other news David had a job interview in Melbourne yesterday. It went really well and he has a follow-up interview tomorrow (wed). Fingers crossed!!!!! We'll let you know how he goes.

Lincoln and I started mothers' group on wednesday last week which was good. Colly and Jackson are in the same group as us which is cool. There are about 8 mums all together and we have our second meeting tomorrow which should be fun.

Ok, so don't forget to come back and see us again soon!