Friday, July 27, 2007

Time is flying...

I've already been back at work for 2 weeks- crazy! Work has been really good so far. I've stepped back into my old shoes (they were right where I left them). Lincoln has had a great time with his Grandma and Nonna while I've been at work which makes us all happy!

As you can see in the picture, (sorry it's blurry, I can't fix it) Linc has started sitting a little bit by himself. This baby just wants to go, go, go. I'm convinced he'll be sprinting in a few months!

Hope you're all well xxx

Sunday, July 8, 2007

A big couple of weeks

My how things have changed quickly! Lincoln went from hating formula to hating breast milk within 2 weeks. All he wants now is formula, which although it makes me feel a bit rejected, is the best thing for both of us seeing as I'm going back to work in 8 days. Yes, 8 days. Poo.

Also, we gave Linc his first taste of solids last night. He had rice cereal (farax) and he absolutely loved it. He was trying to shove more in his mouth than we were giving him. It was so cute. He's really ready for solids, it's very obvious. Let the fun begin- I can't wait until he's covered the whole kitchen with pumpkin!

Dave heard back about one of the jobs he was interested in- unfortunately he 'doesn't have enough experience'. It's a shame when everyone wants employees to have experience but no-one's willing to give it. He'll keep trying though!

We caught up with lots of people this weekend- hopefully we'll see a lot more of you over the next week....