Sunday, September 23, 2007

The big three O

Yes, yes, I had my 30th birthday party on the weekend. My actual birthday is on the 27th and I would've had my party next weekend but that's grand final weekend and the party would've been a fizzer! So anyway the party was pretty relaxed (we almost had a disaster when Yvonne tripped over Archie BUT all is ok and no-one was hurt thankfully!!!) I got completely spoilt and I went out today to spend some of my birthday money which was fun.

We also went to Chloe's first birthday today at Barwon Valley fun park which was very cute. The weather was gorgeous.

Lincoln is getting his two bottom teeth at the same time which is a bit painful for him. The poor thing hasn't had a good week- first he got really sick with a fever and a cough and now it's his teeth. Needless to say no-one in this house has had any sleep for the past week or so! His teeth are like little razors. I actually cut my finger when I felt them!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Hi all,
David has been sick at home for the last 3 days so essentially I've had TWO babies to look after! No, but really he has been pretty sick. He seems a bit better today though.

Lincoln turns seven months old on saturday which is unbelievable. David swears he's been saying 'Dad Dad' but I'm not so convinced. I think it's babble that happens to sound a bit like Dad, but I'll keep my ears open!

Archie seems to be doing a little better. I can't see his ribs as much so I think the pancreas is working- slowly. The poor pooch pongs a bit now, but that's a side effect apparently.

Anyway, Linc and I are off to Mothers' group again today. This time it's at Colly and Jack's which is good!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Busy September!

Gee, have we been busy and it's only going to get busier this month....I think we have about 9 birthdays or something ridiculous like that to go to- at least we'll be busy having fun!

David's first Fathers' day was nice- we had brekky at home, did some shopping and spent the night with family. Lincoln and I bought him a Jig Saw and a massive plyer (sp?) set, so he was happy!

Archie is ok at the moment- he's lost a bit more weight but apparently it takes about a month to put weight back on with his condition. It's really gross but instead of enzyme powder the vet has put him on one pig pancreas per day. Joy. Well we don't really care if it will make him better.

Check out Linc trying to feed himself in the pic- he's just too cute. Oh, by the way- for those of you who don't know, Linc was born with a heart murmur. We had it checked out recently and it went away all by itself which is fantastic!!!